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Advanced 25Gb Ethernet controller in Supermicro Advanced I/O Module (AIOM)


Supermicro® Advanced I/O Modules (AIOM) is the latest form factor designed to provide a wide range of networking options as well as other I/O technologies.

The AOC-A25G-b2S is one of the most feature rich and low power consumption 25GbE controllers in the market. Based on the Broadcom® BCM57414 with features such as VXLAN, NVGRE, RoCE, and NIC Partitioning, it provides unparalleled density, performance, and functionality. The Supermicro® AOC-A25G-b2S is the most versatile 25GbE controller in the market and an excellent choice to enhance network connectivity in Data Centers and Enterprise environments.

The AOC-A25G-m2SM is one of the most feature rich and low power consumption 25GbE controllers in the market. Based on the Mellanox ConnectX-6 Lx controller with features such as VXLAN, NVGRE, RDMA, and others, it provides unparalleled density, performance, and functionality. The Supermicro® AOC-A25G-m2SM is the most versatile 25GbE controller in the market with the best total cost of ownership for 25GbE deployments in cloud, telco, and enterprise data centers.

The Supermicro AOC-AH25G-m2S2TM is one of the most feature rich 25GbE controllers in the market. Based on the Mellanox® ConnectX-4 Lx EN with features such as VXLAN and NVGRE; it provides flexible connectivity for different networking requirements. It is compatible with 10GbE networks and offers the most cost effective upgrades from 10GbE to 25GbE in Data Center and Cloud deployments. The AOC-AH25G-m2S2TM also supports an additional 2 ports of 10GbE RJ45 connectivity, based on the Intel® X550 controller, providing NC-SI for Remote Management. This versatile 25GbE controller is an excellent choice to enhance data center network connectivity when high speed throughput is required.

Artnr: Benämning: Lager: Pris: Antal:
OCP 3.0 AIOM NIC 2x 25GbE SFP28 Broadcom® BCM57414 Beställningsvara 2 469,00 /st
OCP 3.0 AIOM NIC 2x 25GbE SFP28 Mellanox® CX-6 LX Beställningsvara 4 079,00 /st
OCP 3.0 AIOM NIC 2x 25GbE SFP28 & 2x 10GbE RJ45 Mellanox® CX4 Lx EN & Intel® X550-AT2 Beställningsvara 4 646,00 /st


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