Produkter   » Komponenter » Kablage » Ethernet kablar » Produkt

Mellanox 200GbE to 2x100Gb/s, QSFP56 to 2xQSFP56

Mellanox MCP7H50 passive, copper, splitter cable is a high speed, cost-effective, 200GbE to 2x100GbE Ethernet connectivity solution designed for the growing need for higher bandwidth in data centers.

The 200GbE end is configured as 4 channels x 50G PAM4 in a QSFP56 shell. The 100GbE side splits off 2 channels x 50G PAM4 into two separate QSFP56 ends operating at 100Gb/s. Each QSFP56 cage comprises an EEPROM providing product information which can be read by the host system.

Mellanox's unique, quality, passive, copper, cable solutions provide power-efficient connectivity for short distance interconnects. They enable higher port bandwidth, density and configurability at a low cost and reduced power requirement in the data centers.

Rigorous cable production testing ensures best out-of-the-box installation experience, performance and durability



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