Mellanox® MCP1600-C0xxEyyz direct attach copper (DAC) cables are high speed, cost-effective alternatives to fiber optics in 100Gb/s Ethernet applications.
Mellanox QSFP28 passive copper cable contains four high-speed copper pairs, each operating at data rates of up to 25GbE. Each QSFP28 connector includes an EEPROM providing product information which can be read by the host system.
Mellanox’s unique quality, passive, copper cable solutions provide power-efficient connectivity for short distance interconnects. They enable higher port bandwidth, density and configurability at a low cost and reduced power requirement in the data centers.
MCP1600-C0xxEyyz cables up to 2m support IEEE 802.3bj CA-25G-N (Cable Assembly No-FEC) with low latency. Cables from 3m to 5m support IEEE 802.3bj CA-25G-L (Cable Assembly Long) with RS-FEC (Reed Solomon Forward Error Correction) enabled(1). For 2.5m and 3m cables there are two versions supporting either CA-25G-N or CA-25G-L.
Mellanox’s unique quality passive copper cable solutions provide power-efficient connectivity for short distance interconnects. They enable higher port bandwidth, density and configurability at a low cost and reduced power requirement in the data centers.
Rigorous cable production testing ensures best out-of-the-box installation experience, performance and durability.