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Dual port 10Gbps Ethernet Intel 82599 Mezzanine HCA

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AOC-XEH-iN2 This 10-Gigabit Ethernet mezzanine card for the SuperBlade delivers cost-effective high-bandwidth for performance-driven server and storage clustering applications in Enterprise Data Centers, High-Performance Computing, and Embedded environments. Clustered data bases, parallelized applications, transactional services and high-performance embedded I/O applications will achieve significant performance improvements resulting in reduced completion time and lower cost per operation. AOC-XEH-iN2 simplifies network deployment by consolidating clustering, communications, storage, and management I/O and by providing enhanced performance in virtualized server environments. It operates as a 10-Gigabit Ethernet NIC when used with either the Supermicro SBM-XEM-002 10-Gigabit Pass-Through module or with the Supermicro 10-Gigabit Ethernet Blade switch SBM-XEM-X10SM

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Jul & Nyårsledigt

Vi kommer att ha stängt 23/12 till 2/1.
Första leverans från Supermicro efter helgerna kommer in 13/1.

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