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Qlogic 2500 - 8Gbit FibreChannel PCI-express HBA

Mer information: Qlogic 2500 datasheet
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The QLogic® 2500 Series 8Gb Adapters from Cavium™ are a part of Cavium/QLogic industry-leading Fibre Channel technology portfolio. The adapters not only meet the needs of today’s demanding data center requirements by providing power and virtualization optimization, but also offer investment protection by being backwards compatible with previous generations of adapters, including 4Gb and 2Gb technology.


In addition to offering the highest performance, the QLogic 2500 Series Adapters provide the lowest possible power consumption with QLogic's unique Dynamic Power Management technology. Plus, the series is optimized for virtualization, RAS (reliability, availability, serviceability), security, and management, transforming server connectivity into a competitive advantage. The QLogic 2500 Series Adapters are also backed by a 36-month limited warranty.
  • Lowest possible power consumption
  • Optimized for virtualization, RAS, and more
  • 200,000 IOPS per port
  • Overlapping Protection Domains (OPD)
  • RoHS compliant
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